
St Andrew's (Barnsbury) CofE Primary School


If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.  The Admissions Policy can be found on our Policy and Procedure page.

In Year Admissions


Applications for places in classes other than Reception are dealt with by the school. Applications for In-Year should be made at Islington In Year School Admissions


Please note that the clergy supplementary form must be completed if the applicant wishes church membership to be taken into account when the application is considered.


If a place is available in a particular class and there is no waiting list for that class, then the school will communicate the offer of a place directly to the family who has applied for it. If more applications are received than there are places available, then applications will be ranked in accordance with the Admissions Criteria set out in the admissions policy. However, children who do not currently have a school place or the offer of a school place will be given the highest priority after looked after children.
