7.25 am-7.45 am
This is for parents who need to go to work early for example or need to travel some distance to their workplace and/or parents who need to get to an appointment before school
7.45 am-8.30 am
8.30 am-8.45 am
Children from Breakfast Club and other early arrivals go to class to do early morning activities e.g. reading, times table challenges etc.
8.45 am-8.55 am
Gates open for children – children go to class independently and do early morning activities including ‘fix-it’ time, reading and other tasks
8.55 am
Registers taken and formal learning begins
Children have a 15 minute morning playtime and a 45 minute lunchtime
3.25 pm
3.25-3.30 pm
3.30 pm – 4.30 pm
As of September 2024, the DfE expects that all maintained schools offer a minimum of 32.5 hours per week in school for children. This includes break and lunch times as well as teaching time and enrichment activities but does not apply to optional pre-school or after school activities. This works out as 6.5 hours per school day. This is currently the offer at St. Andrew’s School.