Our Deanery Network
St Andrew’s has the privilege of being part of the Islington Deanery network of schools. The strong bond between all eight schools ensures we are able to work together to develop best practice and drive both our own and the LDBS vision for all children to flourish.
This includes network meeting and events, curriculum development, professional development and joint moderation across deanery schools. We also run partnership events such as prayer days, collective worship, music, sporting and curriculum days.
Please see link below:
See link below for more information about the importance of small community church schools:
See link below for more information regarding the achievements of LDBS schools:
Located in a diverse and dynamic borough in North London, Islington Deanery Schools are a group of eight Primary schools who are working closely together to improve the lives of our community.
This forward thinking network of schools are joined together through work with The Diocese of London Board for Schools (LDBS) – a Christian organisation established in 1836 which supports over 160 Church of England schools in the Diocese of London.
The LDBS embraces the Church of England’s Vision for Education which which is deeply Christian with Jesus’ promise of ‘life in all its fullness’ at its heart.
Come and join an Islington Deanery School!
-St Andrew’s (Barnsbury) CofE Primary School
-St John’s Upper Holloway CofE Primary School
-St Mark’s CofE Primary School
-St Judes and St Paul’s CofE Primary School
-St Luke’s CofE Primary School
-St Mary Magdalene Academy
-St Mary’s CofE Primary School
-St John’s Highbury Vale CofE Primary School