The science curriculum at St. Andrew’s consistently strives to engage children in activities both inside and outside of the classroom. By doing this we deliver topics within real life contexts, an effort through which children learn best and remember learning experiences. We ensure that our resources are stimulating, and that each child has a purpose for their investigation in each new topic in science; this empowers the children to lead their own learning and become masters of each subject. We are lucky enough to have a wonderful outdoor space, which allows us room to explore the world around us as we grow, and our school's location enables us to provide plenty of opportunities for trips to London’s great museums.
During lessons, we begin with a learning question which allows us to ‘work scientifically’ through exploration, research, fair testing, observing over time, identifying, and classifying and pattern seeking through this enquiry. Through these means, we hope to provide a foundation for understanding the world around us through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry, and physics.