Welcome to the Salisbury Class page!
We have been having an excellent year so far in Salisbury Class, taking part in a great variety of different types of learning.
In English we have been studying a number of different text, such as ‘Stig of the Dump’ and ‘The Lion and the Unicorn’. We have lots of opportunities to practise our acting skills during English lessons – and we will be looking at a host of different types of texts, such as poetry, fiction, non-fiction and newspapers.
In maths we are developing our understanding of concepts such as place value, multiplication, division, subtraction, addition and measurement. We are doing this through handling concrete objects, looking at pictorial representations and finally tackling more abstract problems.
This year we are studying all three main branches of science: biology, chemistry and physics. When we can, we are going to continue our outdoor learning with a number of trips to Culpepper Gardens and making the most of the lovely outdoor space we have here at school.
Each half term we also explore a ‘Big Theological Question’ in R.E. For example, ‘How does Holy Communion build a Christian Community?’